While there is a distinct feeling of sadness in leaving these characters, the ending also leaves an opening for stories about new half-blood kids in the future. Charlie sacrifices himself to ensure the mission's success, and Percy returns alone to Camp Half-Blood only to hear the prophecy involving the choice he will have to make on his 16th birthday in its depressing entirety.
Crafting a finale that lives up to plot developments and expectations created by an ongoing series can be a somewhat daunting task, but Riordan has fashioned a suitably epic battle to wrap up his tale, which begins with a very literal bang as Percy and Charlie Beckendorf go on a mission to destroy Kronos's ship, the "Princess Andromeda". JGr 5-9-The fates of all of the characters are decided, and the true meaning of the prophecy is revealed in this final book in the series. And a surprise character takes on the mantle of Oracle, instantly issuing a new prophecy that suggests, happily, there’s more fun with the demigods to come. As the capstone to this beloved series, this story satisfies. I charged them.” Details about Luke’s childhood explain his traitorous allegiance to Kronos Annabeth and Rachel Dare vie for Percy’s attention and the final clash would keep a Hollywood special effects team busy for years. Or as Percy, facing the Minotaur’s army, puts it in typically wry fashion: “It was now roughly one hundred and ninety-nine to one.

All the action takes place in the days before Percy’s 16th birthday, on which a prophecy has foretold “a single choice shall end his days.” Readers who have watched their dyslexic hero grow into his considerable powers since age 12 will not be surprised by his brave leadership. In other words: fans will not be disappointed. against a pantheon of monsters intent on reaching the portal to Mount Olympus (located on the 600th floor of the Empire State Building). It reads less like a novel than a 400-page battle scene set in Manhattan, pitting Percy, Annabeth, Grover & Co. Percy Jackson’s fifth and final adventure begins with a blast and gets increasingly more explosive. To sum it up, Percy Jackson is a great book series to read due to its genre, its author, and the information provided in a total of 1,726 thrilling pages! And if you don’t like reading, it’s a lot less pages to worry about than something like Harry Potter, which is almost double! That if you need a book to read, turn down the mythology aisle and pick up a Percy Jackson book today! All of Rick’s books have great ratings from sites like and. Rick also wrote the first book in The 39 Clues series, The Maze of Bones. Along with the 5 Percy Jackson books, He has made 3 books from the Kane Chronicles, 5 more books from the Heroes of Olympus series (which also features some of the main characters from Percy Jackson), and 2 miniature collisions of the Kane Chronicles and Percy Jackson, each around 40 pages long. One last reason I want to give for you to read the Percy Jackson series is because the author, Rick Riordan, has a great reputation. Second, If you love watching PG-13 movies such as The Hunger Games and Divergent, this book series also has lots of action, as well as an everlasting adventure! You’ll never regret reading this book after hearing how many are in the Percy Jackson series itself!

It’s up there with Harry Potter and The 39 Clues, you know! If you are interested in mythology, don’t turn this opportunity down! This book series is also a classic. Percy Jackson is also mythological, because some Greek gods have main roles in the series. However, you could get many other ideas to write your own stories from fiction. Many readers enjoy nonfiction because you can explore the real side of the world. To begin with, one of the main reasons this book series is atop many others is because it is fiction. This one’s my favorite, and it could be yours, too! If you need a book to read and can’t find one, or even if you are almost bored with no books, look on! Gronkkkk - Are you wondering about what book you should read next? Do you think that there are no more books left for you to read in your local library? I strongly recommend that you read the Percy Jackson series.